Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Grade 12

As we move farther in life, our grade 12 year may just seem like a sliver in time, even though we'll keep talking about it years after. For some students grade 12 was so great and exciting that they decided to become teachers because they just couldn't get enough of school. Living vicariously through their students they try to re-live their "golden years". A good example of this would be Mrs. Searcy. She constantly causes a ruckus with her English Literature class that has some questioning if she is still stuck in grade 12 herself. For some students, school another government scheme and would rather be home playing Black Ops, than having to listen to another word coming out of a teacher's mouth. But making too much of a big deal of grade twelve may also not be the best way of going through your year. Sure it's exciting, but you don't want to seem like high school is all you will ever have. Let's be honest, Penticton will never be filled with as much drama as 90210, and realistically, we won't actually ever get as out of control as the kids from American Pie. But, that still doesn't mean we can't try to make the best of grade 12, because for those who don't fail, we only have one shot of making grade twelve "one of the best years of our lives". As someone currently in grade eleven, I am still just thinking about what it would feel like to finally be in grade twelve. I have heard countless of times from high school graduates to make the best of my high school experience, because you will never be able to go back and experience something like that again. Unless they create a time machine, then we can possibly go back and re-live what was suppose to be a one time deal.

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